How it works

Transform the way businesses build and generate data-centric documents, that are fast, easy, and eliminate manual error.


Transform your ideas into stunning document templates in any language with the intuitive AI-powered drag-and-drop document builder.


Effortlessly integrate Doc Studio into your applications, consolidating data from various sources for seamless inclusion in your document templates.


Doc Studio’s engine will merge your templates with the data to generate pixel-perfect documents and delivers them through your preferred communication channels

AI-powered Drag-and-drop Document designer

    • We’ve examined (and witnessed) each element that goes into a document design and integrated all that into one easy-to-use no-code platform, making it effortless to design documents without IT involvement.

    • Level up your document design and functionality with AI-created images, tables, charts, QR codes, shapes, and creative SVGs in a business-friendly interface

Data-centric document automation

      • Connect multiple data sources and create personalized data-driven business documents for your audience in channels they prefer.

      • Eliminate manual data input by leveraging global variables, empowering you to automate information flow from databases to your document templates effortlessly.

AI-powered document creation

  • Unleash your creativity by inputting text and letting the built-in AI create stunning document templates beyond imagination.

Integrate Doc Studio with your day-to-day apps.

    • Pair data with design by effortlessly integrating all your business applications, natively or via web API.


    • Embed or distribute Doc Studio with your custom-built applications or use it as a service via a simple REST API.

Security is our product’s #1 priority

Catering to clients in sectors such as Banking, Insurance, and Healthcare, we deliver a resilient security system. It’s Fort Knox for your data.


With our intuitive platform you could swiftly onboard without any hassle. If you need any assistance, our account managers would help you with training and guidance.




Count on our proficient document and systems experts to accompany you throughout your journey, from initial setup to successful scaling. No matter what assistance you seek, our team is here for you.


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